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الجمعة، 23 أكتوبر 2015

مشكلة في الحجز من موقع venere ارجو المساعدة العاجله

استاجرت شقه في زيورخ عن طريق موقع venere وبعد ما حجزت جاتني هالرسالة

Check-in date: 2016-07-27

There was a problem with the credit card information you entered when you made your reservation. You chose to pay at the hotel at the time of check-in, however, the hotel was unable to verify the card and has canceled the reservation. We don’t know the details of why the credit card was declined.

Any amount paid as a deposit will be refunded and credited back to your account within 3 to 7 business days.

To make another reservation, visit us at Venere.com. Please ensure you have funds on your credit card as the hotel needs to verify this before accepting the reservation. Don’t worry, they won’t actually charge your card.

Alternately, call us at +44(0)20 3027 7155 and we’ll make every attempt to re-book the same reservation, however, rates and availability may have changed.

ما سحبو شي من الفيزا لان المبلغ مايغطي ما اعرف هل الحجز تكنسل نهائي واسوي حجز جديد والا وش الوضع

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