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الثلاثاء، 6 أكتوبر 2015

For Sales:NEW ARRIVAL New 2015 MonoRover R2 IOWK Two Wheels Self Balancing

MonoRover R2 Electric Mini Two Wheels Scooter Two Smart Motors for Easy and Stable Balancing

Skype : info.sayedali

Email : info.jkbdnsbd@net-shopping.com

WhatsApp : +60149206736

BBM: 7E4A3360

fast shipping with tracking included
easy to handle
Self balancing control
max speed in 15km~20km
electric scooter in black.

New in box
VISIT our other items for different colors
Colors: Black, White, Yellow, Blue, Red, Orange,Purple,Pink,Silver.
power switch LED works when turned on and keeps twinkling under protection circumstances.
Voice Alert Beeps when turned on and has a low battery capacity Standard Charger, Gift box, User Manual.

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